As the holiday season is now in full swing, the stores are crowded, there's garland and wreaths galore, the smell of peppermint and evergreens is in the air, and the weather in Southern California is actually starting to feel cooler. It's that time of year that we are all looking forward to that something that makes it feel like Christmas. At Spectacle, we all have vastly different childhood memories and traditions that remind us of that holiday sparkle, but we wanted to come together and share with you what we each think of when December rolls around.



“Growing up in Indiana, I always looked forward to the Fantasy of Lights in Garvin Park. They have a walking or driving tour of all the lights they put all throughout the park. But one year stood out above the rest! My mom surprised me by renting a horse and buggy for us to stroll through the lights. She had hot chocolate and everything! It was such a magical time and truly brought out the Christmas spirit. Now, when I see holiday lights, I always think about those years in Garvin Park and that one special year, which brings a smile to my face.”


“When I was about six or so, I was watching tv and saw the coolest Barbie cash register with a scanner on it. I told my mom that I really wanted Santa to get it for me. My mom told me that she didn’t think Santa knew how to make those. I was so sad and bummed thinking that I wasn’t going to get the one thing I really wanted. On Christmas morning, I was opening my gifts from Santa, and there it was! My Barbie cash register! My mom said that it turns out Santa DID know how to get me my Barbie cash register. I’ll never forget that excitement of being a kid on Christmas morning and getting what you really want from Santa. That joy of Christmas morning is what I look forward to the most!”

Dr. Bovy


“I have a very large family back in Iowa. Each year my mom’s side of the family would cram about 70-80 cousins, aunts and uncles in a three-bedroom house on Christmas Eve night. We would gather and talk about what’s new, welcome new faces, which seemed like every year, and race to the front of the line for food after saying grace. And of course, there were the presents! Every kid received one gift at my grandparents, and inevitably, we would sift through the mountain of gifts to try and guess what we were getting before it was time to open them. It was this crowded house full of the people you love on a cold winter night that feels like Christmas to me!”

Dr. K


“Lights please! As a kid, my sister and I had the privilege of performing on Calico Stage at Knott’s Berry Farm with Snoopy and the whole Peanuts gang. It was something we were able to do for several years, and those late night rehearsals always marked the start of the holiday season for us. As part of the show, mirroring the iconic A Charlie Brown Christmas special, Linus recites to Charlie Brown the true meaning of Christmas by quoting Luke 2:8-14 explaining the birth of Jesus Christ. Each year, when my family goes to our Christmas church service, this verse gets recited. My sister and I look at each other, mouth all the words, and break into the hand choreography that Linus would always perform. It’s nothing major, but it reminds me of those performances with her. It highlights the focus on family that gives us all the warm feelings, but also emphasizes the true meaning of the season. It’s something special to me that I’ve always loved. And that’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown!”

Stop in and share in this season with us! We’d love to hear those memories or traditions that bring about that holiday cheer for you. From all of us at Spectacle Optometry, we wish you a happy holiday season and a wonderful New Year!