“Do your eyes hang low? Do they wobble to and fro?…” Wait a minute, I said EYES, not EARS! Yep, we’re talking about those saggy eyelid problems. Sometimes when you’re tired, we all can experience some droopy eyelids. But for today, we’re focusing on the permanent saggy lid issues... those can’t-get-them-to-stay-up-no-matter-what-you-do problems! What is it exactly? How does that happen? And what can we do to fix them?

First of all, let’s start with understanding exactly what it means to have droopy eyelids. We actually call it ptosis (pronounced ˈtōsəs with a “T” in case you were curious!). It simply means that there is an abnormal drooping of the eyelid due to damage to the nerve that accounts for eyelid muscle control. This can happen by neurological conditions, tumors, trauma, or even a Botox treatment gone wrong. However, the most common reason for ptosis is simply an age-related stretching of the muscle that controls eyelid lifting. Sometimes this droopy eyelid is more of an aesthetic nuisance than an actual problem, but for others, the eyelid can actually hang down low enough to block the view out of the eye. In these cases, we would want to consider some treatment options to be sure that you can see everything that you need to.

The most common treatment option is a surgery called a blepharoplasty. In this procedure, the surgeon will cut out a portion of your eyelid (sometimes some fat as well) and stitch it back together so it is tighter and has less skin hanging down. Our eyelid tissue is sensitive to bruising and bleeding so it may take some time to get the look and vision through those eyelids that you were anxious for though. It will make you look like you got punched in the face for a few months actually! As you can imagine, there are lots of plastic surgeons that would love to help you with this quick fix in a heartbeat. However, we prefer an oculoplastic surgeon and can help refer you to some great ones. They not only care about the appearance of your eyelid, but also about the eye function. They will not stretch your eyelids too tight that you cannot close them properly causing dry eyes. It is important to utilize their expertise so that you don’t create a new problem! The surgery can be a great permanent option to a constant problem for lots of patients.

If surgery sounds too permanent though, there is a new solution in an eyedrop that may be something worth trying! Upneeq is a new drop that triggers the muscle used to lift the eyelid. It causes the muscle to contract and thus elevating the eyelid. It can act fast and patients can see a difference in as quick as 5-15 mins! It lasts for about 6 hours, but the recommended dosing is once a day or as needed for special occasions. The good thing here is that it is fast acting and not permanent. We even have samples in the office that you can try to see if it is something that may be worth it for you.

Don’t let those eyelids get you down, there are certainly things that we can do both permanent and temporary to lift those eyelids (and your day!) for you. Let us know at your next eye exam if this is something you want to know more about. We’re always here for you and your eye(lids)!