Ever wondered what all the fuss was about with Transitions lenses?! We’re here to talk all things Transitions today, how they work, the benefits of them, the different kinds of Transiions, and show you the best of BOTH worlds!
A special process is used in a Transitions lenses to create the layers needed to cause the darkening of the lens. All the good stuff happens in the photochromic layer. Transitions lenses have a photochromic layer that is made up of tons of these photochromic molecules. By a process called imbibing, heat is used to move photochromic molecules on to the lens. Once this layer is complete, the additional scratch resistance layer is applied to hold everything in place. Some materials of lenses do not allow for this heat process, however. In those cases, they use a process called trans-bonding to apply the photochromic layer to the surface of the lens. Both methods create a uniform photochromic layer and a uniform tint is seen once UV light is applied. When UV light hits the lenses, these photochromic molecules change structure causing what we see to be difference in darkness of the lens.
Did you know that photochromic molecules are affected by temperature changes? The molecules move slower in the colder temperatures, so you will often see the lenses take longer to transition from dark to light in cooler weather.
Dr. Bovy’s left eye has the Transitions contact lens on after being outside for several minutes… can you see that it is darker?
Yes! Most photochromic lenses react to UV light. However, when you are driving in your car, the windshield blocks the UV light causing them to not get darker in color. They do have different Transitions called XTRActive that not only react to UV light, but also to visible light allowing them to darken in the car too! All Transitions for glasses can darken into a wide variety of colors. Our favorites tend to be gray, brown, and green though. Just recently, Transitions also teamed up with Acuvue to bring the first contact lenses that get darker with UV activation as well. We think these are great for kids or athletes that spend lots of time outdoors but are unable to wear glasses or sunglasses while playing!
We find patients that are light sensitive or who need to go inside and outside frequently throughout the day benefit the most from the Transitions lenses. Kids and teachers have found it very helpful to go from the classroom to recess with ease! However, Transitions can really be used by just about anyone. We find it is often a preference on whether you want the ease of transitioning or would prefer a different shape or style for their sunglasses.
Either way, we are happy to help get you in the perfect glasses, whether they transition or not. Stop by Spectacle if you’d like to try out our Transitions demo (seen above) and see if they’re a good fit for you!