May is Healthy Vision Month! It’s a chance for us to point out just how important your annual comprehensive eye exam is now more than ever. In a time when routine eye care was put on hold due to COVID-19, we have seen the importance your annual eye exam can be to catch vision changes, diseases, allergies, and infections before they become emergency situations. We wanted to take this opportunity to point out a few key things that can keep your eyes and vision as healthy as can be.

Of course, your annual eye exam ranks #1 on how to keep your eyes healthy. At your comprehensive eye exam each year, our doctors take great care to make sure your vision is at it’s best and your eyes are as healthy as they can be. At Spectacle, we love adding to that full exam by performing a retinal photo to ensure the back of your eyes are just as healthy. Our optomap photos take 200 degree photos, which gives our doctors a fantastic view of 82% of your entire retina! We also love to explain everything that we can see on your photo by showing you a photo like this one of your eye.

In preparation for your eye exam, knowing your family history is crucial. There are several diseases including glaucoma, macular degeneration, or even just your vision correction that are hereditary. Having a good family history can ensure that our doctors are on the lookout for any early signs of specific diseases that may run in your family. They may even be able to tell you techniques or things you can do to prevent these diseases from ever affecting you and your healthy eyes.

When you’re not at your eye exam, the other 364 days of the year you can keep your eyes healthy by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Eating a well-balanced and colorful diet will help the pigments in the back of your eye. By getting enough omega 3s in your diet, you can help to control dry eyes. By exercising and keeping blood sugar low, you can keep diabetic retinopathy at bay. Also, by abstaining from smoking, you can help to prevent macular degeneration. A healthy lifestyle is the best medicine for our bodies, not just our eyes!

When we are out and about, we need to be sure to maintain protective eyewear. If you are someone who enjoys a good beach or golf day or are often outside in the sun, you should always have your sunglasses handy to protect your eyes from the damages of sunlight. At your annual exam, we can be sure to get a prescription pair of sunglasses as well! We also need to be alert when we are playing sports, working in the yard, or around metals or welding to always have safety eyeglasses on to prevent any damage or injuries from occurring. We know that sometimes we get caught up in what we’re doing and forget this simple step, but it truly can save your eyes and vision!

These are just a few things you can do to keep your eyes as healthy as can be. Be sure to schedule your annual exam with our doctors so they can pinpoint the best practices specific to you and your eyes. We look forward to seeing you soon!