On March 23rd, we’ll be celebrating World Optometry Day! This is a day specifically dedicated to optometrists and the profession of optometry. We’re clearly a little biased, but we think optometrists and our eyes are simply the best! Here’s a few fun eye facts and reasons as to why we love the world of optometry.

Fun 👀Facts:

Sir Elton John’s Closet

  • The first tool used to help with vision was called a reading stone, essentially a glass sphere placed on top of text to magnify words, and was invented in 1000 A.D.

  • Sir Elton John owns 250,000 pairs of sunglasses and counting! #goals He even has a specific eyeglasses walk-in closet set to a specific temperature to preserve them!

  • A top of the line digital camera has 50 megapixels, while the newest iPhone boasts a 12 megapixel camera, but nothing can compare to our eyes, which would have 576 megapixels!

  • The brain receives 80% of it’s overall information from our eyes. The eyes are reliable for much of the information we need to evaluate a situation, remember things, interact with people, and so much more.

  • Of the approximately 7.3 billion people on earth, 36 million of them are blind. Yet, it is estimated that 4 out of 5 people who are blind have preventable conditions that could have been treated to avoid blindness.


Our optometrists provide comprehensive eye exams every day to check your eyeglasses prescription, vision, color vision, depth perception, and of course, eye health to prevent and manage diseases. We want to be sure that your eyes are thoroughly evaluated each and every year because we know just how valuable your sight is to you. Our sight is known to be the most important of the five senses. We’re not just saying that… it’s been studied and proven to be true! In a recent study, most Americans said that losing their vision would affect their daily lives more than losing memory, speech, hearing, an arm or a leg. Wow! Sounds like most of us would never want to be without our sight, yet we often take for granted just how much our eyes do for us each and every day. Although World Optometry Day is just one day of the year, we need to try to be more aware of our eyes, give them breaks from all the hard work they do each day, and get your eyes evaluated by one of our optometrists at Spectacle each year to have assurance that your eyesight is as sharp as can be and that your eye health is in tip top shape!