As the holiday season is now in full swing, we hope this year feels a little more like Christmas. A little busier, a little more hustle and bustle, and brings that nostalgia of Christmas as a child… or simply before COVID. It's that time of year that we are all looking forward to that something that makes it feel like Christmas. At Spectacle, we all have vastly different childhood memories and traditions that remind us of that holiday sparkle. In our previous Spectacle Christmas blog a couple years ago, our staff and doctors came together to give you an insight into what they each think of when December rolls around. Well, we have a few new staff members this time around, so we wanted to give each of them an opportunity to share with you just what the joy of Christmas is in their eyes.


“Ever since I was a kid, I have always been very active and competitive. I remember watching my older brother learn how to ride a bike when I was three years old. After seeing him struggle to learn, the only thing I wanted for Christmas was a bike so I could learn how to ride before him! I still remember coming downstairs Christmas morning and seeing the bike right at the bottom of the stairs. I was so excited and immediately asked my dad to teach me. He began teaching me how to ride on Christmas Day, and I picked it up faster than my brother did! I will always remember the joy I felt that Christmas Day!”


“Christmas is my favorite time of the year! Spending time with family and friends, the cold weather, and decorating the house really puts me in the Christmas spirit. One of the most memorable years was when Santa brought me a pink Barbie jeep when I was 9 years old. He also got my brother a quad that year. We were so excited to play with our new toys that we ran out into the street to try them out. Our parents set up cones for us to drive around, and my brother started riding his quad off the curb. After watching my brother ride off the curb, I built up the courage to do it, too! We loved our new toys and wanted to ride them outside everyday. As we got older and taller, we outgrew our toys, but I will always remember being able to drive myself around like my parents drove their cars.”


“Growing up in Wyoming, every Christmas was so exciting! I always remember getting in our Christmas pajamas and driving around to look at all the lights while drinking hot chocolate. There was a house in Casper where someone dressed up as Santa and sat in a chair on the sidewalk to hand out candy canes to families driving by. I remember always begging my parents to drive by just so we could see him, and maybe get a candy cane, too! My favorite part of Christmas now is being able to keep this tradition alive with my kids. It feels so good to be able to show them a part of my childhood, even though we don’t get to see the same Santa I did as kid!”

Dr. Bovy and Dr. K

“We have both always enjoyed the process of picking out a tree, getting the house all decorated, and seeing the new items from the previous year that we may have forgotten. Each year we make it a point to add one new ornament and one new decor item (at least!) to our collection. We like to choose pieces that symbolize something about the year that is coming to a close. This year, we added a new stocking to the mantle and a couple new ornaments to celebrate Parker’s 1st Christmas! We love watching her see the lights for the first time, both inside and outside. As we reminisce on what made our childhood holidays so special, we are excited to see Christmas through her eyes, teach her the meaning of Christmas, and embark on new family traditions in the coming years!”

Stop in and share in this season with us! We’d love to hear those memories or traditions that bring about the holiday cheer for you. From all of us at Spectacle Optometry, we wish you a happy holiday season and a wonderful 2022!